Thursday, December 12, 2013

Monday, November 11, 2013



The answer is in the word itself. An er word ending means “the practice of.” For example, a farmer farms, a baker bakes, a singer sings, a driver drives, and so forth. But what does an engineer do? Do they engine? Yes they do! The word engine comes from the Latin ingenerare, meaning “to create.“

About 2000 years ago, the Latin word ingenium was used to describe the design of a new machine. Soon after, the word ingen was being used to describe all machines. In English, “ingen” was spelled “engine” and people who designed creative things were known as “engine-ers”. In French, German, and Spanish today, the word for engineer is ingenieur.

So What Is an Engineer?
An engineer is a creative and ingenious person.

What Does an Engineer Do?
Engineers create ingenious solutions to society’s problems.

-Dedicated to All the Engineers and Future Engineers of the World.-
Thanks to Robert T Balmer for an enlightenment

Thursday, October 10, 2013


Indigenous religions have a hierarchy. At the lowest level there are rocks, earth and grass. Then come the animals among which mankind is in a superior position. Next come the more powerful spiritual people and the ancestors. Divinities come next. On the last level is the remote supreme being. Most of these primal religions have a belief in a creator god. Having created, this god is too great, very powerful and too distant to be worshipped directly; whenever there is something extraordinary he is called upon; he is believed to be all-seeing (Maybe a distant clue to one of the characteristics of the supreme being of our times?). This god is unbound by time, unbound by place and has no end. He is regarded as compassionate, but having an unpredictable nature. Man needs intermediaries, because he cannot get close to this superior being. Earthlings may communicate with lesser superior beings (So they needed a kind of a 'go between', as angels and archangels were needed in our times. So little has changed!). Most religious activity takes place around the lesser gods, around the spirits in everything, and especially around ancestors who are intercessors between the mankind on the one hand and his environment and god on the other. But ancestors are especially revered. Some of those ancestors are worshipped as gods. But their main role is mediation and facilitation. They watch over their community and warn them against the breaking of taboos.

Ancestors have a special place, but death is not welcomed. Death, except in very old age, is considered as unnatural. Here is a paradox; death is feared but death at the same time is the gateway to becoming an ancestor. Except that in Ashanti (a people living in Ghana) there is no doctrine of reincarnation and the spirits of ancestors do live in this world. They are ever-present and inhabit the living sometimes. There is an underlying relationship between the human being, society, animals, plants and the supreme beings, and care is taken to preserve this net of relationships. Many rites are directed towards the maintenance or to the reparation of relationship.

Most tribal groups have ceremonies for all the rites of passage: Birth, naming, initiation, marriage and death. Initiation takes different forms; often it means induction into adulthood. Sometimes initiation comes up as acceptance into secret societies.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Spreader Stokers

The spreader stoker is capable of burning a wide range of coals, from high-rank eastern bituminous to lignite or brown coal and a variety of by product waste fuels.

As the name implies, the spreader stoker projects fuel into the furnace over the fire with a uniform spreading action, permitting suspension burning of the fine fuel particles. The heavier pieces, that cannot be supported in the gas flow, fall to the grate for combustion in a thin fast burning bed. This method of firing provides extreme sensitivity to load fluctuations as ignition is almost instantaneous on increase of firing rate and the thin fuel bed can burned out rapidly when desired.

The modern spreader stoker installation consists of feeder distributor units in widths and numbers as required to distribute the fuel uniformly over the width of the grate, specifically designed air-metering grates, forced draft fans for both undergrate and overfire air, dust collecting and reinjecting equipment and combustion controls to coordinate fuel and air supply with load demand.

Thursday, August 8, 2013


There is little curiosity about the origins of the world. But it is assumed that some gods/divina entities/archangels/angels (Please select the appropriate designation) have created the world and provided man with the means to live. But the world they live in is important and naturally there is more communication between man and his ancestors than with the gods. Most rites are directed at keeping these links intact.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Turbine Protection Devices:

1.Typical Devices
The following typical turbine protection devices are provided and the description of each and the extent of supply. In circumstances where these devices may initiate a trip, the signals shall be hard wired:

• Local hand trip.
• Remote emergency push buttons.
• Low bearing oil pressure trip.
• Loss of relay fluid pressure trip.
• Externally initiated electrical system trips.
• Overspeed Protection.
• High turbine exhaust temperatures.
• High condenser pressure.

2.Overspeed Protection
To prevent the inadvertent overspeed of the Turbo Generator unit, it is preferred that an established duplex system of overspeed protection shall be provided to trip the unit at 10% overspeed. The system may utilize established mechanical and/or electrical devices.

The facilities provided for testing the overspeed protection systems and the steam admission valves, preferably with full stroking and the minimum reduction of load shall be described.

3.On-Load Testing
Facilities shall be provided for testing the tripping system protection systems and steam valves whilst the set is at part or full load and with the minimum disturbance to the load.

4.High Exhaust Temperature Protection
If water sprays or other devices are included to limit the temperature at the turbine exhaust during transient or continuous low load operation, the full details is required, including the method of control and source of cooling water.

5.High Condenser Pressure Protection
In addition to any vacuum operated unloading and trip gear which may be required, protection against excessive pressure in the condenser shall be provided by an approved means such as lifting or relief discs or bursting diaphragms etc. These shall be sized to discharge full load steam flow with a condenser pressure of less than 0.4 bar (g).

Friday, June 21, 2013

in memoriam of Mr. Kusno Sosrodihardjo

Proklamator tercinta, the greatest leader of Indonesia. Kusapa engkau: "BUNG!", engkaulah biang kemerdekaan!

21 June 1970

Sunday, May 5, 2013

CFSPP Cycle Analysis

JCM Small CFSPP Cycle Analysis is a program for thermodynamic modelling optimization of system for the production of electricity and heat. Porting from XLS sheet to visual Basic 3.00, for Kendari unit #3

The aim of this Small Cycle Analysis is to calculate the size of relevant mass and energy flows in the small CFSPP with Heater configuration 1-1-1 (one HP heater, one Deaerator, and one LP heater).

Hardware and Software requirements:

  • Windows 3.10, 3.11, 95, 98, 2000, XP (dont you ever think about vista, seven or 8)
  • An Intel 286, 386, Pentium I, II, III, IV or equivalent
  • 16 MB of available random-access memory (RAM)
  • 1 mb of available disk space
  • A 16-color monitor capable of 640 x 480 pixel resolution (800 x 600 pixel resolution recommended)
  • A Floppy disk drive or CD-ROM drive (either on local PC or available through your network)
  • any available printer

in order to be able to make good use of the program, it is necessary that the user have general knowledge of MS-Windows, as well as knowledge of the thermodynamics for energy system (university level). The user also have knowledge of load controls of system.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


A device that has an output that varies to regulate a controlled variable in a certain way. A controller can be either analog or digital instruments independently, or may equivalent instruments such as the joint-control system. An automatic controller varies its output automatically in response to input directly or indirectly from measured process variables. A manual loading station manual controller, and the output is not depending on the measured process variables but can be varied only by manual adjustment. A controller may be integral with other functional elements of a control loop.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


D'Oreste, (Indomeneo, -King of Crete, story of Ilia and Idamante - act 3) what a highly qualified opera by WAM

Saturday, February 2, 2013


I evaluate many tools to analyze the cycle CFSPP, apparently led to the jacobi and Gauss-Seidel. Currently CycleTempo of TuDelf still be a good choice as a companion to the main calculations are usually done manually using Excel and Gauss-Seidel

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Small CFSPP design