Friday, July 7, 2017

Online GPHR Calculator

Porting from excel file to web-base for specific calculations of GPHR (Gross Plant Heat Rate), THR (Turbine Heat Rate), STHR (Steam Turbine Heat Rate), NPHR (Nett Plant Heat Rate), Coal Consumption and Thermal Efficiency. Input parameters derived from the heat balance and cycle analysis.


Steam Inlet Turbine  t/h
Steam Inlet Boiler  t/h
Enthalpy Inlet Turbine  kJ/kg
Enthalpy Inlet Boiler  kJ/kg
HHV or LHV  kcal/kg
Boiler Eff  %
Pipe Eff  %
Auxiliary Power  kw  %
Generator Output  kw


Turbine Steam Rate  kg/kwh
STHR aka NTHR aka THR  kCal/kwh  kJ/kwh
GPHR  kCal/kwh  kJ/kwh
NPHR  kCal/kwh  kJ/kwh
thermal efficiency  %
Coal Consumption  t/h  kg/h

Gerry - JCM