Thursday, December 12, 2024

Solving Simultaneous Algebraic Equations

To solve simultaneous algebraic equations, the IT Solver uses a multi-equation form of the Newton-Raphson method (slightly modified to optimize step sizes). To solve for a single equation of the form

f(x) = 0,

the Newton-Raphson method uses a first-order Taylor series approximation of f(x) about the point xi:

f(xi + 1) = f(xi) + (xi + 1 - x)f'(xi).

The series expansion is then solved for f(x)=0:

xi + 1 = xi - f(xi)/f'(xi).

As the subscripts i and i +1 imply, the procedure is iterative. After each new guess for x is calculated, the function, f, and its derivative, f ', are reevaluated, and a new guess for x is calculated. The multi-equation form of the Newton-Raphson method works similarly, except that the Taylor series expansion must be in terms of each independent variable. The assembled matrix of partial derivatives of each equation (in the form f(x) = 0), with respect to each independent variable, is called the Jacobian. If the vector of independent variables at the current and previous iterations are {xi + 1} and {xi}, the Jacobian matrix evaluated at {xi} is [Ji], and the vector of equations evaluated at {xi} is {fi}, the equation

[Ji]{xi + 1} = [Ji]{xi} - {fi}

can be solved for {xi + 1}. Again, the procedure iterates until the solution has converged. Convergence is measured by evaluating the norm (calculated as the root-mean square) of the residuals of the equations. At the exact solution, the residual will be zero. The section on convergence criteria further explains how the Solver determines whether a solution has converged and how to control convergence criteria.

The partial derivatives in the Jacobian are calculated numerically. Calculating the partial derivatives symbolically might aid in convergence of the solution, but there would be a substantial penalty in terms of computational effort to determine the derivatives, and the accuracy of the final solution would be nearly indistinguishable from the solution calculated using the numerical estimate of the Jacobian. In addition, calculating analytical derivatives of tabular data, such as property functions, is impossible.

Because the engine is an iterative solver, Initial Guesses for the variables are required. For simple problems, "1" can often be used for all of the initial guesses. For more complex problems, however, the user may have to provide more accurate estimates of the variable values.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Lorentz transformation

In physics, the Lorentz transformation (or transformations) is named after the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz. It was the result of attempts by Lorentz and others to explain how the speed of light was observed to be independent of the reference frame, and to understand the symmetries of the laws of electromagnetism. The Lorentz transformation is in accordance with special relativity, but was derived before special relativity.

The transformations describe how measurements of space and time by two observers are related. They reflect the fact that observers moving at different velocities may measure different distances, elapsed times, and even different orderings of events. They supersede the Galilean transformation of Newtonian physics, which assumes an absolute space and time (see Galilean relativity).

The Galilean transformation is a good approximation only at relative speeds much smaller than the speed of light.

The Lorentz transformation is a linear transformation. It may include a rotation of space; a rotation-free Lorentz transformation is called a Lorentz boost.

In Minkowski space, the Lorentz transformations preserve the spacetime interval between any two events. They describe only the transformations in which the spacetime event at the origin is left fixed, so they can be considered as a hyperbolic rotation of Minkowski space. The more general set of transformations that also includes translations is known as the Poincaré group.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Instrument Abbreviation

Instrument AbbreviationExpansionFunctions Performed
FCFlow controllerFlow measurement and control
LCLevel controllerLevel control
FEFlow elementFlow sensor
LGLevel gaugeLevel measurement
FICFlow indicator and controllerIndicating flow as well as controlling flow
LALevel alarmIndicating level alarm
FRFlow recorderRecording flow
LAHLevel alarm highIndicating high level
FRCFlow recorder and controllerFlow recording; controlling flow
LAHHLevel alarm high highIndicating very high level
FTFlow transmitterTransmitting flow signal
LALLevel alarm lowIndicating low level
FAFlow alarmIndicating flow alarm
LILevel indicatorLevel indication
LICLevel indicator and controllerIndicating level; controlling level
PCPressure controllercontrolling pressure
TCTemperature controllerControlling/regulating temperature
PIPressure indicatorIndicating pressure
TITemperature indicatorIndicating pressure
PICPressure indicator and controllerIndicating pressure; controlling pressure
TICTemperature indicator and controllerIndicating temperature; controlling temperature
PRPressure recorderRecording pressure
TRTemperature recorderRecording temperature
PRCPressure recorder and controllerRecording pressure; controlling pressure
TRCTemperature recorder and controllerRecording temperature; controlling temperature
PSVPressure safety valveRelieving excess pressure in case of high pressure situation
TTTemperature transmitterTransmitting measured temperature signals
PTPressure transmitterTransmitting measured pressure signals
TWThermowellHouses temperature sensors
RVRelief valveTo relieve excess pressure in case of high pressure
TYTemperature relay/transducerConverts electrical signals to pneumatic signals
PSHPressure switch highA pressure switch used to indicate high pressure alarm
ZIPosition/limit indicatorIndicates whether a valve is open or close
SDVShut down valveA valve initiating shutdown
ZSCPosition/unit switch closedLimit switch indicating a valve is closed
ZSOPosition/unit switch openLimit switch indicating a valve is open
SDYShutdown relayA transducer attached to a shutdown valve
USDUnit shutdown

Monday, September 9, 2024


IF97 implements models for the thermodynamic and transport properties of water and steam according to the IAPWS -IF97 industrial standard and documented in:

Wagner, W., Kruse, A. Properties of Water and Steam, The Industrial Standard IAPWS-IF97 for the Thermodynamic Properties and Supplementary Equations for Other Properties, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.

The main fluid data are:
Scientific name:water 
FluidProp name (short):H2O 
FluidProp name (long):water 
T critical: 373.946 [°C]
P critical: 220.64 [bar]
v critical: 0.0031056[m3/kg]
MW: 18.015257[g/mol]
R: 461.526[J/kg.K]
T min: 0.01[°C]
T max: P <= 100 bar --> Tmax = 2000 °C 
100 < P <= 1000 bar --> Tmax = 800 °C[°C]
v min: 0.000957[m3/kg]

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Common Terms Used to Interprete P&ID Drawings (2 of 2)

Interpreting P&IDs can often be very challenging especially for beginners. In this piece, I shall be elaborating on some commonly misunderstood terms used in P&IDs to enable the beginner better understand how to interpret the P&ID drawings of their respective plants.

Pilot light
A pilot light indicates which number of normal conditions of a system or device exists. It is unlike an alarm light, which indicates an abnormal condition. The pilot light is also known as a monitor light.

A sensor is that part of a loop or instrument that first senses the value of a process variable, and assumes a corresponding, predetermined, and intelligible state or output. The sensor may be separate from or integral with another functional element of a loop. The sensor is also known as a detector or primary element.

Set point
The set point is an input variable that sets the desired value of the controlled variable. The set point may be manually set, automatically set, or programmed. Its value is expressed in the same units as the controlled variable.

Shared controller
This is a controller, containing pre-programmed algorithms that are usually accessible, configurable, and assignable. It permits a number of process variables to be controlled by a single device.

Shared display
This is the operator interface device (usually a video screen) used to display process control information from a number of sources at the command of the operator.

Transducer is a general term for a device that receives information in the form of one or more physical quantities, modifies the information and/or its form, if required, and produces a resultant output signal. Depending on the application, the transducer can be a primary element, transmitter, relay, converter or other device. Because the term "transducer" is not specific, its use for specific applications is not recommended

This is a device that senses a process variable through the medium of a sensor and has an output whose steady-state value varies only as a predetermined function of the process variable. The sensor may or may not be integral with the transmitter. A transmitter is often required where the instrument signal needs to be sent to a central control room or transmitted through some distance.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Common Terms Used to Interprete P&ID Drawings (1 of 2)

Interpreting P&IDs can often be very challenging especially for beginners. In this piece, I shall be elaborating on some commonly misunderstood terms used in P&IDs to enable the beginner better understand how to interpret the P&ID drawings of their respective plants.

Computing Device
This is a device or function that performs one or more calculations or logic operations, or both, and transmits one or more resultant output signals. A computing device is sometimes called a computing relay.

A device that receives information in one form of an instrument signal and transmits an output signal in another form is called a converter. An instrument which changes a sensor's output to a standard signal is properly designated as a transmitter, not a converter. Typically, a flow element (FE) may connect to a Flow transmitter (FT), not to a converter (FY). A converter is also referred to as a transducer; however, "transducer" is a completely general term, and its use specifically for signal conversion is not recommended. An I to P (current to pneumatic) converter is a converter we often come across in P&ID drawings.

This is the location of an instrument that is neither in nor on a panel or console, nor is it mounted in a control room. Local instruments are commonly in the vicinity of a primary element or a final control element. The word "field" is often used synonymously with local.

Local Panel
This is a panel that is not a central or main panel. Local panels are commonly in the vicinity of plant subsystems or sub-areas. The term "local panel instrument" should not be confused with "local instrument." From my explanation on the word local above, a local instrument implies an instrument in the field.

A monitor is a general term for an instrument or instrument system used to measure or sense the status or magnitude of one or more variables for the purpose of deriving useful information. The term monitor is very often unspecific when used in P&ID drawings — sometimes meaning analyzer, indicator, or alarm. Monitor can also be used as a verb

A panel is a structure that has a group of instruments mounted on it, houses the operator-process interface, and is chosen to have a unique designation. The panel may consist of one or more sections, cubicles, consoles, or desks. Panel is the Synonym for board on P&IDs

This is the term applied to an instrument that is mounted on a panel or console and is accessible for an operator's normal use. A function that is normally accessible to an operator in a shared-display system is the equivalent of a discrete panel-mounted device.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Power System Analysis

A Power System Analysis is a very important exercise in the design and operation of a power system. The Power System Analysis is used to evaluate the performance of a power system.

Power System Analysis deals, chiefly, with three important parts

They are

  1. Load Flow Analysis
  2. Short Circuit Analysis and
  3. Stability Analysis

A Power System Analysis helps the following aspects.

  1. Study the ability of the system to respond to small disturbances caused by the application/removal of small or large loads.
  2. Design of the breakers and isolating equipments.
  3. Plan for future expansion of the power system
  4. Study the response of the system to different fault conditions.
  5. Observe and monitor the voltage, real and reactive power between different buses.
  6. Calculate the setting of the relays and the design of the protection system.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Power Balance Equation

The power balance equation describes the relation between Power Demand and Power Generation in a power system.

The equation is


  • PD is the Total Power Demand
  • PG is the output of individual generating stations

The sum of the power generated should equal the demand for power.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Load Flow Analysis

The Load Flow Analysis is done to determine the voltage, current, real and reactive power in a particular point in a power system as well as the flow from one point to another.

The Load Flow Analysis helps understand the operation and behaviour of the system when a generator trips or when a big load is suddenly cut off. Load Flow Analysis also helps identify routes to transfer power when a transmission line has to be isolated due to a fault. This ensures reliable power supply and ensures quick restoration in the event of blackouts.

Load Flow Analysis is done during the design of the power system. It should also be done before any modification of the power system such as the addition of loads or generating units.

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Components and Structure of a Power System

A Power system has three main components:
  • The Generating System
  • The Transmission System
  • The Distribution System
Generating System

The Generating System is the source of the power. The generation can be from generators, solar panels, etc. Power can be generated from different sources such as hydropower, wind turbines, nuclear plants,etc.

Components: Synchronous Generators, induction generators, solar panels, Transmission System

The transmission system transmits the generated power over large distances to the distribution centres such as industries and cities. The distribution areas can be thousands of kilometres away from the generating stations. The voltage is stepped up to high values to minimize the losses using transformers. The power is then transmitted through the power lines to the distribution areas.

Transmission systems can be categorized into

  • Primary Transmission Systems, which transfer power at voltage of 110 kV and above. These lines are hundreds of miles long. They are connected to secondary receiving substations
  • Secondary Tranmission Systems, which receive the power from the primary transmission system send it to the distribution systems. The voltage levels in the secondary transmission systems are about 33kv to 66kV
Components: Transformers, Circuit Breakers, Overhead Transmission Lines, Underground Cables.

Distribution Systems

The distribution system receives power from the transmission system and distributes the power to the individual customers at the required voltage. The industrial supply voltage can be 33kV or 11kV. The domestic supply voltage is 440 or 220V

Components: Transformers, underground and overhead transmission lines.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Transient Stability and Steady State Stability

Transient Stability

Transient Stability is the ability of a power system to return to its normal state after a major disturbance, such as a fault or a disconnection or connection of a large load.

When there is a disturbance in the system, there are oscillations. These oscillations are called swings. Transient stability analysis is concerned with the response of the power system to such oscillations. A power system with proper response will bring the system back to steady state operations within a short period of time.

Steady State Stability

Steady State Stability is the ability of a power system to respond to slow or gradual changes in its operating parameters. When a number of power sources and loads are connected to a system, there will be gradual shifting of loads from one generator to another. These oscillations, if not properly controlled, can develop into large oscillations which can cause bigger disturbances.