Thursday, December 12, 2019


Here are the attributes of the totem (the supreme entity):

  • Totem is an object serving as the symbol of a family, a clan or a tightly knit group.

  • Relationship with the totem is pivotal and comes even before the membership of the tribe and all kinds of blood ties.

  • Totem law prohibits sexual relations and marriage between the persons belonging to the same totem. This is a taboo, because totem functions as a blood relationship.

  • This principle is called 'exogamy'.

  • Totem is not attached to any place.

  • Totem protects and warns the members of its clan. Loyal members of its clan get advance information on the future, and guidance from the totem.

  • Members of the totemic clan believe that there is a kinship between themselves and the totem animal.

  • There is the all important 'clan totem' which envelopes the whole clan and is transferred between generations via inheritance. There is also the personal totem which belongs to a single person and is not inherited (can you detect the beginnings of an 'all-enveloping supreme entity' and the personal deities?).

  • Totem's religious aspect involves the relationship between the totem and a person; its social aspect applies to the relations among the members of the clan and with the members of the other clans (Can you detect the distant beginnings of the concepts of an organized belief system; the choosing the patriarch; and the concept of the chosen people?)

Now let us deal with the subject of taboo, because totem and taboo go hand in hand. Without one there wouldn't be the other, like the concepts of the supreme being and sin in present day.

Monday, November 11, 2019


This article discusses the dimensional characteristics of the light rail vehicle. This includes not only the static vehicle at rest, but also the additional dynamic movements the LRV can make due to both resiliency and possible failures in the vehicle suspension system. The result is a definition of the vehicle dynamic envelope (VDE). The VDE, plus additional factors, defines the track clearance envelope (TCE), which sets the minimum distances between the centerline of track and any infrastructure alongside of the track as well as the minimum distances between tracks.

Vehicle Clearance Envelopes
Clearance standards for various types of railroad cars are well documented by the use of graphics or “plates.” For railroad equipment, one standard is the common “Plate C.” Any car whose static dimensions fit within the limits established on Plate C can travel virtually anywhere on the North American railroad system. Transit systems do not have similar national standards. Therefore, transit vehicle manufacturers must develop vehicles that fit within the clearance requirements of the system for which the car is intended. Conversely, transit system designers should, whenever possible, configure the infrastructure so as to allow clear passage of as broad a universe of candidate LRVs as possible. While manufacturers can, in theory, build cars to any dimension, it is usually more economical to choose vehicles that are already in production or have at least been engineered. Therefore, the facility designer of a new system should establish a composite vehicle clearance envelope that accommodates vehicles from several manufacturers to maximize competitive bidding and then design the system to accommodate those clearances.

Vehicle Static Outline
The static outline of an LRV is based on plan and cross-sectional views showing its dimensions at rest, including many elements as Vehicle Length, Distance between Truck Centers, Distance between End Truck and Anticlimber or Bumper, Carbody Width, Carbody End Taper, and Other Static Clearance Factors.

Vehicle Dynamic Envelope/Outline
The dynamic outline of the car is more significant to the track alignment designer than the static outline. The vehicle dynamic envelope (VDE) of an LRV describes the maximum space that the vehicle may occupy as it moves along the track. The dynamic outline or “clearance envelope” includes many factors due to the normal actions of the vehicle’s suspension system, such as carbody roll (side sway) and lateral movement between stops. The dynamic outline also includes lateral freeplay between wheels and rail with both in their maximum wear condition as well as abnormal conditions that may result from failure of suspension elements (e.g., deflation of an air spring). The development of the VDE is typically the responsibility of the vehicle designer and begins with the cross-sectional outline of the static vehicle. The dynamic outline of the vehicle is then developed by making allowances for carbody movements that occur when the vehicle is operating on level tangent track. These movements represent the extremes of carbody displacement that can occur for any combination of rotational, lateral, and vertical carbody movements when the vehicle is operating on level tangent track.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


The concept of god in the primal belief systems. Most of these primal religions have a creator god.

  • This god is too great, very powerful and too distant to be worshipped directly; whenever there is something extraordinary he is called upon (Exactly like today);

  • This god is believed to be all-seeing (A clue to one of the characteristics of the supreme being of our times?);

  • This god is unbound by time, unbound by place and has no end;

  • This god is compassionate, but unpredictable;

  • To get in touch with this god the earthlings needed intermediaries, because man could not get close to him (They needed sort of go-betweens/modems/interfaces like archangels, angels and messengers, as do believers of the day need. Any change since then? None!).

Windows 3.10

My First Microsoft Windows (in 1992), Beauty, The most Fastest Microsoft, it ran like hell. Still works in 2019

  • Intel 80286 with 1 MB Ram
  • 7.9mb full install (Include MSOffice 4.3, Visual Basic 3.0, Lotus Amipro 3.1)
  • Hardisk 20mb (the biggest in that time)
  • MsDos 3.1
  • 640x480 Standard VGA
  • 3.5" FDD

Monday, September 9, 2019

JCM Steam Water Properties

SWP.exe is a standard interface for the calculation of thermodynamic and transport properties of fluids. This software program was developed around 2007 - 2011 (aerryawan gerry), Energy Section, PT. Jaya CM.

Each thermodynamic library implements one or more thermodynamic models for several thermodynamics Analysis and optimization heat and electricity production system

State functions for water/steam calculations are: IAPWS Industrial Formulation 1997 (IAPWS-IF97)


Leakage of stray currents into the ballast bed and earth can be a significant problem if the cables running from the rails are electrically connected to the impedance bond housing case and the case is in contact with the earth. This can occur if the cases are mounted on reinforced concrete where the mounting bolts contact the re-bar, if the bottom of the case is resting on concrete, or if dirt and debris accumulate between the bottom of the case or signal equipment and the concrete.

An accumulation of ballast, dirt, or other debris around the locations where the cases or signal equipment are installed along the right-of-way can also provide a path for current leakage. This type of installation can result in a continuous maintenance problem if an effectively high rail-toearth resistance cannot be achieved.

Some impedance bonds are located outside the tracks on timber ties to eliminate points of possible contact with earth. The center taps of the impedance bonds should be insulated from the mounting case. Switch machines also must be electrically isolated from the running rails.

Any embedded switch machines and junction boxes need to be insulated from the rail and insulated from concrete or other material.

Dissimilar metals shall be isolated or separated for corrosion control. Materials selection needs to consider the environmental conditions where the items are being installed.

Yard tracks should be isolated from the main line tracks to reduce corrosion.



René Descartes has insisted that the intellect alone could provide us with the certainty he sought. Faith told us nothing that could not be demonstrated rationally.

Descartes argued that god could be known more easily and certainly than any of the other things in existence. Descartes has attempted to establish an equally analytical demonstration of god's existence, but he found no god in cosmos. There was no design in nature. Universe was chaotic and there was not a single sign of design, or intelligent planning.

Descartes found evidence of god in human consciousness; even doubt proved the existence of the doubter! We cannot be certain of anything in the external world, but we can be certain of our own inner experience. We could not arrive at the idea of imperfection if we did not have a prior conception of perfection.

A perfection that did not exist would be a contradiction in terms. Our experience of doubt, therefore, tells us that a supreme and perfect being must exist. Descartes' god is the god of the philosophy, who did not interfere with the worldly affairs. This god has made known of himself not through miracles, but in the eternal laws he has decreed.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Egyptian pharaoh Akh-en-aton is the first registered real monotheist in the history of mankind. Here is a hymn which expresses the basics of the Aton/Aten cult:

  • "..How manifold it is, what you have made!...
  • O sole god, like whom there is no other!
  • You created the world according to your desire,
  • While you were alone;
  • All men, cattle and wild beasts,
  • Whatever is on earth, going on its feet,
  • And whatever is on high flying with its wings.
  • The countries of Syria and Nubia, the land of Egypt,
  • You settled every man in his place,
  • You supplied their necessities,
  • Everyone has his food, and his time of life is reckoned.
  • Their tongues are separate in speech,
  • And their natures as well;
  • Their skins are distinguished,
  • As you distinguished the foreign peoples...
  • ...there is none other that knows you,
  • Save your son Nefer-kheperu-Re Wa-en-Re,
  • For you have made him well versed in your plans and in your strength."

Believers of the next belief might find some of the exact attributes of their god in this hymn. The idea of monotheism which has reached its peak with Akh-en-aten had to stay in darkness for a long time after him. Some scholars find the origin of the sole god, the father-god of the codebooks of next belief in the Aton/Aten belief system. Some western historians maintain that the next belief had got the idea of the sole god from Akh-en-aten.

Sunday, July 7, 2019


Egypt needs attention in the quest for the origins of the belief systems of today, because some of the fundamental doctrines were borrowed from there. In that sense the first real attempt at monotheism in Egypt by Akh-en-aten, and the Memphite theology are very important.

The roots of monotheism in Egypt could be found in earlier times. During the reign of Amenhotep III (The father of Akh-en-Aton) worship of the Sun-god seems to have achieved some degree of popularity. A very ancient name of the Sun-god, Aten or Aton has regained importance and the young king Amenhotep IV (later changed his name to Akh-en-aten/Akh-en-aton) became a loyal follower.

  • Akh-en-Aten worshipped the sun not as an object but as a symbol of a divine being whose energy is manifested as rays of light;
  • Akh-en-Aten described himself as the "first prophet of Re-Horakhte";
  • The high priest of Aton was called the "greatest of seers".
  • Akh-en-Aten has introduced for the first time the "exclusion principle" which transformed the doctrine of a universal god into monotheism. In one of the hymns he says: "O, sole god, there's no other god beside you!" (An identical impression could be found in the next belief system).
  • According to Akh-en-aten, what was said about the other gods were all lies, and deception.
  • He has totally rejected the illusion of life after death.
  • Aton/Aten's belief system has banned everything connected to myths, magic, and witchcraft.
  • Jinns, satans, monsters, spirits, demi-gods, demons, (even Osiris) were burned to ashes.
  • There was no other representation or a personal image of the Sun-god Aten/Aton. Akh-en-aton did not allow the making of the idols or images of the Sun-god
  • The real god has no form.

Thursday, June 6, 2019


1. Switch Machine Wiring and Adjustment Tests
Switch machine wiring and adjustment tests verify the wiring and adjustment of the switch machine. These tests should preferably be carried out, in conjunction with the track installer, to confirm throw rod capability, ensure point closure, and ensure proper nesting of the switch point rail to stock rail.

2. Switch Machine Appurtenance Test
Switch machine appurtenance tests verify the integrity of switch machine layout by taking resistance measurements across the following assemblies:

  • Center insulation of the front rod
  • Front rod to switch point
  • No. 1 vertical or horizontal switch rod center insulation
  • Throw rod insulated from No. 1 switch rod
  • Point detector piece insulated from switch point
  • Lock rod insulated from front rod
  • Other vertical rods as required per layout
  • Switch machine insulated from the running rails
  • Switch machine extension plate insulated from the running rails

3. Insulated Joint Test
Insulated joint tests measure the resistance between two ends of the rail separated by insulating material. An insulated joint checker requires the traction power system to be disconnected. Any reading less than 30 ohms should be evaluated. Measurements for a set of insulated joints should be within 30% of each other or they should be rechecked. Insulated rail joint tests for AC track circuits can be performed using a volt-ohm-meter.

4. Impedance Bonding Resistance Test
Impedance bonding resistance tests, using a low-resistance ohm-meter, ensure that a proper connection has been made.

5. Power and Signal Bonding Test
The power and signal bonding test is to ensure that the resistance across the rail connection

6. Negative Return Bonding Test
Negative return bonding tests verify the resistance of each mechanical or welded power bond using a low-resistance ohm-meter.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Picture that makes you touched; the Indonesian Police officers who helped maintain the order of the NKRI

Picture that makes you touched; the Indonesian Police officers who helped maintain the order of the NKRI. The rice in one box was eaten by three of them in their fatigue, risking themselves to maintain order from anarchists. Viva NKRI, Viva TNI AD, Viva Polri. Thank you gentlemen, Thank you TNI and Polri

Picture yang membuat terharu; bapak-bapak Polri yang ikut menjaga ketertiban NKRI. Nasi satu kotak dimakan bertiga dalam kelelahan mereka, meresikokan diri untuk menjaga ketertiban dari anarkis. Viva NKRI, Viva TNI AD, Viva Polri. Terimakasih Bapak-bapak TNI dan Polri

Sunday, May 5, 2019

SUMERIAN GODS (Part 2 of 2)

The Sumerian cosmogony was as follows:

There was the primeval ocean in the beginning (There is no information on its origin and how it came into being). This mother-sea produced the cosmic-mountain which was formed by the unseparated sky and Earth, An-Ki. Sky (An) was male and Earth (Ki) was female, the union of which has produced Enlil. Enlil has separated the sky and Earth. An took the sky. Enlil took his mother Ki (Earth). Union of Ki and Enlil established the basis for the ordered universe.

This union was the starting point and the source of man, animals, plants and the institution of civilization. The universe was created by the first cosmic gods: The creator gods, sky, Earth, air, water. Since the creator gods were the organizers of the Universe which they hold in their hands, the existence, development and survival of vast kingdoms have depended on them. This was the fundamental " truth of itself " for the Sumerians. These gods did not reveal themselves to the mortals. Each god was in charge of a different corner of the universe.

  • Sumerians have invented the "kingdoms in the sky" with assorted supreme beings in charge of various things.

  • Their universe was necessarily supervised, cared for, administered and controlled by living, anthropomorphic superior beings.

  • Gods were invisible but they had their statues in the temples.

  • Their gods were immortal but they needed food.

  • They were thought of as very very powerful because they governed the universe.

  • They were thought as immortals because their death may mean the loss of the order of the universe and consequently life may end.

  • Gods in the Sumero-Babylonian creation stories were not creators in a transcendental sense, they were an integral part of the universe and a product of its creative process.

  • Enki, the god of apsu-abzu (god of unfathomable deep) and also the god ofa wisdom was looking after earthly affairs working harmoniously with Enlil.

  • Enlil was designing the general plan and Enki was carrying it out. (There is always a chief deity with surrounding lesser deities. Archangels have appeared around the chief deity

  • Everything was tied to Enki"s creative effect. The judgment was "Enki did it" or "Enki did it and organized it so".

  • Gods preferred morality to immorality.

  • Sumerians have exalted the goodness, equity, candidness and honesty of gods.

  • But at the same time Sumerians have believed that gods embedded in mankind equal amounts of evil, lie, cruelty and tyranny.

  • Gods have invented "me"s. A "me" is a principle invented and signed by the gods with the aim of ensuring the trouble-free functioning of the Universe (This must be the origin of the present day concept of destiny).

  • Gods had so many important things to do, they did not involve themselves in earthly matters. Man needed a mediator to make himself heard by gods. Hence consulting personal supreme overseers was widespread; these became protective angels connected to the leader of the family.

  • Sacrifices and offerings were made to these deities in the temples called Ziggurats.

  • Deities were believed to be organizing and controlling everything.

  • The Sun-god Utu was an all-seeing supreme entity ensuring justice and equity, and helping mankind.

In later sources going back to 2500 B.C. Enlil playing the role of the chief deity. He has taken An's place. The oldest comprehensible documents describes him as the "father of gods", "king of sky and earth", "king of all countries".

Later myths and hymns tell that Enlil was a benevolent god who was responsible for the design and creation of the universe and also furnishing it with all the best things. He was the source of almost everything.

In the Sumerian tablets which were read and published since the 1930s hymns and myths present Enlil as a friendly and fatherly god who has safeguarded the security and well-being of mankind generally and Sumerians especially (The concept of "chosen people"?).

The underlined and highlighted sections will provide the inquisitive mind with the vital clues to the origins of the myths, legends, and the fundamental doctrines of the next belief systems.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

SUMERIAN GODS (Part 1 of 2)

The first pantheon with a multitude of gods, which was also a source for the 'belief systems of the book' of the time was in Sumer. Here, the top place of the pantheon belonged the king-god, who was the head of the council of gods (This concept will show itself in the Sabian belief system as "rabb-el erbab", in the so called monotheistic "lord of hosts" and as the supreme council).

In the forefront of this council there were the four "creator" gods - An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag, and seven most eminent gods who were the "determiners of destinies", and then there were fifty "great gods".

All the supreme entities in Sumer have acted as they pleased. In order to know what a supreme overseer thought about a certain action, one had to go to the temple, make a sacrifice, pray and go to sleep (Many cultures kept this practice of praying and going to sleep, hoping to dream, which will be an indicator as to whether a certain action or an event would be beneficial or harmful).

Sumerian universe was called An-Ki (Sky-Earth). They called the sea surrounding the land Apsu-Abzu. Ki (Earth) was floating freely on this sea. The unseen canopy underneath the sea was considered to be an "opposite-sky" which covered the nether-world (hell) called kur. Lil, which is air, breath, spirit or wind was the third component. The Sumerian thinkers felt the need to explain the source of these cosmic components and to establish a lineage among them. The following are their conclusions:

  • There should have been a beginning.
  • The first thing that existed in the beginning was the endless primeval "mother-ocean" (Remember the concepts of the primeval sea in the "beginning"?).
  • Sumerian thinkers have invented from this "mother-ocean" a first-cause, a "first-mover." (This is the origin of the concept of the prime mover-first cause in the "belief systems of the book").
  • This "sea" (apsu-abzu), the first-cause, gave birth to the universe.
  • An-Ki (sky-Earth god) was born.
  • An-Ki has created the sky and the Earth.
  • Enlil has separated the sky and Earth. Sky and Earth brought into being other gods.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Signal-Turnout/Interlocking Interface

The following signal equipment can typically be found at turnouts and interlockings:

  • Switch machines
  • Impedance bonds
  • Inductive loops including speed command loops
  • Train stops
  • Bootleg risers
  • Junction boxes
  • Switch controllers
  • Electric locks
  • Transponders
  • Wire and cables
  • Signal and power bonding
  • Cases/signal equipment houses (“bungalows”)
  • Signals
  • Snow melter systems

The design of the track circuit and fouling protection used will determine the location of insulated joints in the special trackwork. Typically in transit applications, the insulated joint should be located approximately 23 to 25 feet [7 to 7.6 meters] ahead of the switch points to allow for the use of plug rails for bonded insulated joints. The size of the turnouts and crossovers determines the speed at which the train can operate. This speed should be one of the available cab speeds.

The insulated joint for the turnout fouling must be located with a minimum of clearance, taking into account the longest overhang from the front of the train to the first axle of any equipment that may operate on the track. Location of insulated joints at turnouts and interlockings needs to consider the distance from the signal or point of switch to ensure switch detector locking. This distance can vary from 25 feet to 50 feet.

Saturday, February 2, 2019


Broadly speaking, wayside distribution systems can be subdivided into the overhead contact system and supplemental cabling systems to connect the catenary to the traction power substations. The latter is the topic of this article.

Each TPSS is typically linked to the trackway by underground conduits. One set of conduits runs to and up one or more catenary system poles to carry the cables that provide power to the catenary. The conduit risers can be located either on the outside surfaces of the OCS poles or within the poles, either of which can require an appreciable foundation at trackside. Once the power supply is terminated to the catenary, the positive side of the traction power supply distribution usually remains on aerial structures and does not interface further with the track.

Another set of conduits and cables runs to the track and provides the negative return path for traction power back to the TPSS. The design of the trackbed needs to accommodate these traction power supply system conduits. Adequate space is required beneath the track for the conduit systems (including terminations), conduit risers, and manholes. The track itself must accommodate connections of the negative return cables.

If the overhead contact wire system is a single filament trolley wire, it is usually necessary to have supplemental feeder cables as well so that the overall traction power distribution system has sufficient electrical capacity to provide current without unacceptably large voltage drops. In urban areas, these feeder cables are, for aesthetic reasons, most often routed through underground duct banks that run parallel to the tracks. The feeder cable must be periodically connected to the trolley wire, usually at every third to fifth OCS pole. At each such location, a manhole will be located along the trunk duct bank and a branch conduit will run over to the OCS poles. The overall design of the trackway must accommodate these ducts and manholes.

A messenger/feeder can be placed above the trolley to obviate the need for parallel feeders. The messenger-to-trolley vertical dimension (construction depth) can be made small (6” to 12”) to reduce visual impact, with no effect on track design.

Less often, supplemental feeder cables are carried on the OCS poles rather than being routed in underground conduits. Many legacy streetcar lines used this configuration. This substantially reduces the impacts on the trackway design, but the overhead cables negate some of the visual aesthetic benefits of a single filament trolley wire system as it effectively just moves the trolley wire running surface must be continuous, without any gaps or overlaps. In addition, trolley hardware for pole operation is not normally suited for pantograph operation.

A simple catenary system uses a messenger wire to support the horizontal trolley wire. Both conductors are used to transmit power from the substation to the vehicle. In a simple catenary system, the system height at the supporting poles—the distance between the contact or trolley wire and the messenger—is approximately 4 feet [1.2 meters]. In tangent track, this allows spans between poles of up to 240 feet [73 meters].

The low-profile catenary system is similar to the simple catenary design, except that the system height at the support is reduced to approximately 18 inches [457 millimeters] and sometimes less. This style is often applied in aesthetically sensitive areas where a lower profile and simple singlewire cross spans are more desirable. The trade-off, however, is that the span length between supporting poles is reduced to approximately 150 feet [46 meters].

Single filament trolley wire systems, which were traditionally used on legacy streetcar lines, are considered by many persons, and particularly by lay audiences, to be visually less obtrusive in the urban environment. It provides power through a single trolley wire that must be supported at least every 100 feet [30 meters]. The span length is limited by the sag of the unsupported trolley wire, which in high temperatures could otherwise fall below the minimum elevation required by the National Electrical Safety Code. It is also limited by the structural capacity of the supporting hardware to carry the weight of the entire length of a span between supports. Single filament trolley wire also usually requires the wire to be supplemented electrically by parallel feeders that must be frequently connected to the trolley wire to maintain sufficient voltage for LRV operation.

These feeders may either run underground through a series of ducts and manholes, which are expensive, or be hung from poles. The latter position can arguably be just as visually intrusive as the messenger wire in a catenary system and merely relocated to a different point in the observer’s line of sight. The overhead wire design to accommodate trolley pole operation requires more support and registration points and can therefore have nearly twice the number of poles than the equivalent simple catenary system.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

The idea of supreme being are differs

The idea of supreme being differs from person to person, from community to community, from generation to generation. This idea of a supreme entity is formed in parallel with the personal factors involved, and consequently carries different meanings.

Furthermore, some of the meanings may contradict and even exclude the others. If we hadn't had a flexible concept of supreme entity it could not have lasted this long in the history of mankind. Whenever a concept of supreme being and its related theology has become meaningless or has lost its relevance, it has either disappeared in silence or was replaced with another one.

So the bottom line is:

  • There have been numerous concepts of supreme beings in history. Therefore where there are human beings there are supreme beings. Thus the concept of supreme being is a personal one.