Egyptian pharaoh Akh-en-aton is the first registered real monotheist in the history of mankind. Here is a hymn which expresses the basics of the Aton/Aten cult:
- "..How manifold it is, what you have made!...
- O sole god, like whom there is no other!
- You created the world according to your desire,
- While you were alone;
- All men, cattle and wild beasts,
- Whatever is on earth, going on its feet,
- And whatever is on high flying with its wings.
- The countries of Syria and Nubia, the land of Egypt,
- You settled every man in his place,
- You supplied their necessities,
- Everyone has his food, and his time of life is reckoned.
- Their tongues are separate in speech,
- And their natures as well;
- Their skins are distinguished,
- As you distinguished the foreign peoples...
- ...there is none other that knows you,
- Save your son Nefer-kheperu-Re Wa-en-Re,
- For you have made him well versed in your plans and in your strength."
Believers of the next belief might find some of the exact attributes of their god in this hymn. The idea of monotheism which has reached its peak with Akh-en-aten had to stay in darkness for a long time after him. Some scholars find the origin of the sole god, the father-god of the codebooks of next belief in the Aton/Aten belief system. Some western historians maintain that the next belief had got the idea of the sole god from Akh-en-aten.