Saturday, August 8, 2015

The Benefits of SCADA Systems Automate Electrical Distribution to increase uptime and improve utilization

Rapid power transmission and distribution systems from power plants to customers in residential or office safe is a challenge today's power generation industry. Electric utilities parties must be able to meet the electricity needs of the community well, minimizing disruptions and power cuts as much as possible. Electricity utility must collect and distribute electricity from the various sources of electricity generation, many of them intermittent, and distribute to customer by utilizing automated monitoring and control of SCADA.

Substation power plants have a complex system and have varying amounts of control and operator interface points. Substation power plants will be controlled and monitored in real time by a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and by special devices such as circuit breakers and power monitor. Data from the PLC and the device is then transmitted to a PC-based SCADA node in the substation.

SCADA implementation in the electrical distribution system is greatly assisting the authorities of electricity in various ways such as:

  1. Improve the performance of the electrical distribution system automatically
  2. SCADA systems are able to make the process safer, faster and completely automated start of collecting data to provide automatic control that greatly benefits utilities. One application is when there are problems in the field Alarm they detect problems in the system, and analysis of this issue allows adjustments and corrections, often prevent the outage automatically. When there are problems e.g. outage caused by an unexpected event such as a hurricane, SCADA a sophisticated system of data collection capability helps field workers to quickly identify the exact location of outages without having to wait for customer calls.

  3. Data collection for the electricity distribution process automatically
  4. As automatic control systems, SCADA able to change the system work a lot of utilities that still rely on manual labor to perform tasks automatically power distribution. This process is able to cut labor costs, making the process safer and more comfortable and minimize distractions. Modern SCADA system also features built-in redundancy and backup systems to provide sufficient reliability, and can respond more quickly and consistently than manual process.

  5. Alarm Monitoring System is able to detect problems that occur quickly and accurately
  6. Excellence SCADA system is able to significantly increase the speed of recovery in the event of power outage. These problems occur when the SCADA-enabled switches and closers line so it can help isolate the location in case of a blackout by means of open automatic switch adjacent to the power switch quickly to other parts without the need for line workers to visit the site to perform a visual inspection long.

  7. Worker protection and detection of hazardous location automatically
  8. Modern SCADA systems that provide multiple benefits in the security system and keeping the level of workers due to the substation and at DER connection point, the data should be collected and made available to the SCADA system so that it can detect problems that occur more quickly. DER automates monitoring in real-time with the SCADA system allows the operator to make more information more rapid adjustments, and to uncover trends and issues before a problem occurs.

  9. Facilitate the early detection of problems and routine equipment repairs
  10. SCADA system improvements make it easier to do on a regular basis. For example, if a power monitoring device has a protocol and some types of hardware then with the SCADA system in more easily configured and installed. In addition some offer a DNP3 SCADA software package is required and IEC-60870-5-104 protocol so as to facilitate early detection if a problem occurs automatically.

  11. Improved efficiency of system performance based on the data trend analysis
  12. SCADA is able to analyze and identify quickly and automatically condition of excess capacity and so the power can be transferred from the area approaching overload. The control system can also analyze trends and historical data also helps maintain the desired power factor, voltage level and other parameters of the distribution system at the desired level.


SCADA systems are designed to simplify power distribution applications with the help of PC-based software. Data collected from the electrical distribution system, with most of the data that comes in the substation to be processed in the SCADA control system so that the process control can be run automatically, quickly and accurately.